Humboldt Magic Makers, Ep. 4
Meet our April Magic Maker, Pure Life Farm. Based in Arcata, CA, this small family farm produces some of the most delicious honey we have ever tasted. Read on to learn more about Husband and wife Maria and Josh and their farming and beekeeping practices.
How long have you lived in Humboldt?
Maria has lived in Humboldt County for 15 years, and Josh was born and raised here.
It's always
encouraging to see other businesses using other hive by-products to make their own, creating a very beautiful sense of sustainable community.
How long have you been farming and beekeeping?
We started our small farm thirteen years ago, when we began selling fruits and vegetables. We have been beekeeping for six years.
How has the culture of Humboldt influenced your work?
For the most part, we have noticed a lot of support for local products and farms. Its always encouraging to see other businesses using other hive by-products to make their own, creating a very beautiful sense of sustainable community.
Humboldt has
a lot of natural beauty that inspires us to work outdoors, and bees are the artists of those landscapes.
How has the natural landscape of Humboldt influenced your work?
Humboldt has a lot of natural beauty that inspires us to work outdoors, and bees are the artists of those landscapes.
How do you use Cannabis?
A glass of CBD infused water every day for tendonitis.
How has the cannabis industry in Humboldt County affected/contributed to your career as an artist/creative?
The cannabis business has contributed with support to our local products and also by giving people like us affordable options to feel better.